"I had to rearrange some things here in the second drawer, but don't worry, it's only slightly different. Here in the middle are the onesies in three stacks, the one in the rear is the long-sleeved type. On the right in the back are the gown-type sleepers. In front of that are the bodysuit sleepers, and then long-sleeve daysuits. On the left are the sunsuits towards the front, and shorts in the back, moving right are the long pants in front and shirts behind those. Behind that are some jumpers-- I think, I wasn't sure how to categorize those..."
I blinked at the neatly stacked piles as T smoothed out a light pink dress on the changing table, eyeing it tragically. "Can you put her in this one tomorrow? She has so many cute outfits in the three-month size that she hasn't even worn yet, and she's getting too big for them..."*
I judged that now was probably not the time to explain again how my choice of clothing tended towards "nearest item in drawer", as long as it didn't have too many snaps, or some construction so complicated that I couldn't tell which end went where.
"Sure honey," I said, "not a problem. I'll take care of it."

*T would like to point out that there are no dresses in drawer #2,
all of the dresses are in drawer #3.