It's a bit hard to believe that our little baby will be six months old tomorrow. Time has apparently passed right by while we were busy with other things! It was impressive to me to see how much she has already outgrown, including every item in the photo at right (not counting her mommy.) She is now over twice her birth weight. She still isn't wild about "tummy time" but this week she did manage to accidentally work her way backwards about a foot. Not quite a genuine crawl, admittedly, but I think you can see it from here.

With both parents working during the day, she's been enjoying her time with Nanny G. In the past her attention would quickly wander when we read books to her, but now she usually follows along. Her favorites are the "baby faces" books, and she enjoys playing "peek a boo" with them. No teeth visible yet, but she's been watching us intently as we eat so I'm guessing it's time to try solid (well, mushy) foods. She plays more with toys, and I think it's easier to get her to smile now. Her favorite activity is hopping up and down, in her bouncy chair or any convenient set of arms- her uncle's, in this photo.