My last post mentioned no teeth visible yet, but that has now changed. At little RR's 6-month checkup, Dr. B pointed out her first tooth just starting to poke through. She is growing well, coming in at the 82nd percentile for weight (17 lbs 12 oz) and 90th for length (27"). One consequence of this is that we will need to get a new car seat soon!

Now having considered the multifarious signs and portents, and finding the planets moved to their appointed positions, we decided it was time to try solid food. The recommended cuisine in this case is rice cereal, which we duly procured, along with some colored baby spoons which turn white if the food is too hot.
The cereal box was labeled "Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal", presumably because "papier-mâché paste" doesn't sound so appetizing. I demonstrated the proper procedure for RR and had a few bites myself, and verified that paste is definitely what it is.
In any event, we mixed some up and doled it out, assuring her in the process that this was really super-yummy food. Somewhat to our surprise, she managed to get some of it inside, and she didn't even seem to mind too much. Another testament to the power of advertising, I suppose.