Little RR has started to make crawling movements, but so far the resulting motion has only been backwards or turning in circles. Consequently, toys dropped out of reach tend to remain that way, although she is better at reaching for things. A few times she has pulled herself up to standing against the side of her crib. She has better dexterity, handling toys more easily, turning pages, and feeling each fuzzy and textured area in her touch-feel books. Her diet has become more varied, now including oatmeal and several varieties of veggies (fruits are so far not as appetizing). She listens attentively to classical music for short periods. Her currently vocabulary is mostly "Ooooo", "Auugh" and "Booof", but she will take turns in conversation making them. She responds to certain words such as
bye-bye and
be right back.
Christmas this year was a low-key affair, with both parents down with a cold all week. Thank goodness for D.G. (the Doting Grandmother) who spent many hours with RR and running errands, as mom & dad rested. So far the younger and older generations have escaped the bug. Meanwhile, RR has been enjoying all of her new toys.