In the last month, little RR has seemed more awake and aware than before, paying attention to us (at times) as if understanding something of what we are saying, and looking at each person speaking in turn. Several times she has indicated by looking at the water bottle and saying "Mmmm! Mmmm" that she wants a drink. She also continues to improve her hand control- no longer just flexing all fingers at once for grabbing, she is now picking up toys deliberately and tracing along edges with a single finger, seeking out interesting bumps and textures. She will clap her hands, and bang two toys together.

She will consistently turn the pages in the books we read to her (if often a bit faster than we would) and sometimes picks out a book she wants. She lies on her side to play with toys, and will easily turn herself over, sometimes making changing difficult! On the other hand she helps when dressing, pulling her arms in and out of sleeves, ducking her head when pulling off a shirt. We are working on getting her to fall asleep in her crib by herself, and have succeeded at least once. We always put her down on her back, but she now sometimes ends up sleeping on her tummy. One thing that hasn't changed is her big cheery smile greeting us each morning, a great boost for her sleepy parents.