We put up the baby fence in the living room in part to protect the electronics from curious little fingers, and that worked for awhile. Little RR is now standing up by the TV and "cruising" sideways along the railing to the stereo, which she turns on and selects tape, CD or radio, often listening to NPR. After playing elsewhere for a bit, she comes back and turns it off again. Her musical taste also extends to various toys that play tunes, ranging from Beethoven's 5th to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She has become very adept at pushing buttons to play her tunes, and tonight was regularly getting two toys to play the same tune concurrently.
Having seen us use the computer she is anxious to join in the fun, and she has taught us several things about the laptop that we didn't know. In just seconds she called up "This Computer is Locked- Please Login" which I'd never seen on this system, causing some consternation (fortunately, a simple return instead of a password turned out to work.) The next time, while we were viewing some of her baby photos, a few brisk keystrokes popped up a form to report the web page as an online scam. On another page, she found a feature that reads it out loud in a synthesized voice. The computer is certainly more interesting with her around.
Just last month she would pick up a book and attempt to open it from the top, bottom or spine edge, but now she usually holds books right-side-up and is better able to turn the board-type pages. She can scoot across the floor quickly on her hands and knees, but curiously pays no attention to toys or books in her way. Items caught in the undercarriage are dragged some distance in her haste to get from here to there. She is getting a little heavier to pick up now; this evening after her bath, the scale reported 10.05 kg.