I recently succumbed to the inevitable, and got a smartphone. This did not escape RR's eagle eyes, who of course wanted to play with the widget. I was curious to see what she would do, so I handed it over (remember, this girl is 3 years old). I don't know if this was by chance or on purpose, but within twenty seconds or so, she had (1) unlocked the phone, (2) opened the web browser, (3) searched for popular images, and pulled one up on the screen:

"Daddy, is this you?" she asked, showing me the picture. (Note, this photo bears very little resemblance to me).
"Er, no sweetie, that isn't me. I think that is some actor."
She swiped her finger across the screen and studied a few more photos. She found another one to try and turned the phone to me again. "Daddy, is this you?

(Note: this photo bears NO resemblance to me!) "Um, no that photo is not me. Maybe we should look at something else..."
"I don't know, I think he looks kind of... cute." said little RR. (I'm still not sure if this whole thing was some sort of setup on her part, or not.)
Another morning at breakfast, we had this conversation:
RR: Daddy, when you were a little girl, did you go to school?
Me: Yes, when I was a little boy I went to school just like you.
RR: (sigh) I said, when you were a little *girl*, daddy. I was making a *joke*.