Saturday, August 2, 2008

Forwards and Backwards

This past month, little RR has been doing well in sleeping through the night- so much so, that T avoided the subject at her weekly mom's group, to preclude the possible wrath of the other sleep-deprived moms. However the schedule has been changing, with her first feeding moving at least one hour earlier every day this week. Saturday morning started at 4:45 am, so I guess it's a potential conversation topic again.

In other news, she is able to hold her head up much better than before, and her legs show signs of being able to support her 6 kg weight fairly soon, if not managing actual balance. She pulls at the edge of her bib (maybe not on purpose) and will hold small items briefly. In the vocal department, she seems to be working hard on her Gkkkth sounds, which I'm sure are key elements of some language... possibly Klingon. Gkkkth.mp3


Anonymous said...

We've been vacillating between sleeping through the night and 2 to 3 wakeups in the middle of the night. It is driving me crazy!!

She is just a cutie! Great photo.

Fourth Breakfast

Greg Karnos said...

Make sure to tell Nina I say "Qapla'"... (She'll know what that means).


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad there's a mom's group involved! My only warning is: when your precious doesn't do whatever-it-is first, don't worry (I spent months agonizing over the fact that L not only didn't talk first - she talked LAST! :-D ).