Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A New Word

Our little Redowa Rose is really growing up! She has already been saying "dada" and "mama" for some time, although that includes some interpretation on our part. To be more complete, she usually says "da-da-da-da... da..." or variations on that theme. But just this week while watching a dog outside, she has said "do-guh" pretty distinctly, so that's an exciting development.

In other news, after pushing herself up on a small, knee-high toy box she actually stood up without support for a moment, before sitting down. More progress!

In the photo she's wearing a shirt from the D.G. (doting grandmother) featuring her namesake flower.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww...Great photo! The Serene One is very smug that the little guy can point to a photo of him and say "da da"

4th B

Anonymous said...

Always a pleasure to read more about RR - Nana