Hard to believe that little RR is now Three Years Old! She had cupcakes at Preschool 1 on her birthday, and a small party with presents at home that evening, and then another party yesterday afternoon with several relatives over and more presents and a proper birthday cake. Of course, the first thing she said upon awakening today was "I want another party!"
She has been showing signs she's no longer a baby all along, of course. One of those is that she is picky about what clothing she wears, often preferring dresses, and wants several laid out for her choice and approval. She is showing an interest in puzzles, now assembling her 24-piece Thomas the Tank Engine puzzle in record time, and is becoming more helpful carrying and putting away groceries. She recently had her 3-year checkup at the doctor's office and the procedure was different- they took her blood pressure this time, checked her vision, and gave her a hospital gown to wear as she waited for the doctor to arrive. Gray and red, open in the back. She looked down at it and said, "Mommy, this dress is terrible!"
What a beauty! (With excellent fashion sense.) Happy Birthday, RR.
Yup...good instincts, gal!
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