Monday, April 21, 2008

A walk in the park

We went on two walks today; one to the post office, and then later another one in the park. T has a lot more energy now than she did three months ago, when even one block was fatiguing, so that is encouraging. We'll see if all the walking helps things along.

The pink balloon has now reached neutral buoyancy and was hovering about in the nursery when we looked in on it. A few minutes later, T noticed the balloon bobbing into the living room on its own! There was no noticeable draft, but Ms Baby Foot Balloon made it out the nursery door, down the hallway, and turned again through another doorway into the living room, giving us quite a surprise.


Anonymous said...

Love the foot balloon story.

Fourth Breakfast

Anonymous said...

The floating foot balloon reminds me of this story:

Good luck with the waiting, and all the best!