Wednesday, June 19, 2019


K: Oh... I wanted another slice!
Me: You had two already, these are for mommy.
K: But dad... half my body is devoted to pizza.
Me: Yeah? What's the other half?
K: Chocolate.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Big Plans

Miss K (5) bounced into the room yesterday evening and made an Announcement.

K: Daddy, I know what I want to do!
D: That's great, K! What do you want to do?
K: I want to paint the house! I will use all the colors of the rainbow. And pink.
D: Oh! Why do you want to paint the house?
K: Because I want to make it beautiful.
D: Hmm, that sounds like a lot of work. Just look at all the things we would have to take off the wall before we could paint it.
K: Oh Daddy, we don't have to paint THIS room. Your study is already very beautiful.

Anyone who has seen this room would probably call that a diplomatic assessment.

Friday, February 27, 2015

And so to bed.

A few night-time comments from RR, now 6 going on 7. Last week:

RR: [after lying quietly in bed for a while- apropos of nothing]
 It's all a big family, isn't it? If you go down, and down and down.
 So everyone is my brothers and sisters. I live in a big family!
 [turns over and goes to sleep]
Me:  !!

 Then again, this was just last night:

Me: Okay, now it's bedtime.
RR: I will go to bed only if you promise never to inconvenience me again, in any way. Pinkie promise? [wiggles little finger]
Me: So, if the house was burning down, should I wake you up, or should I not inconvenience you?
RR: Ooooh... [wide eyed worried look] Ok. No pinkie promise.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Back to School

After ignoring my suggestions for some time, last weekend RR decided she actually did want to learn how to ride a bicycle without training wheels. The first day was pretty slow and there were several crashes. The next day she made it around the block without crashing, and the following day she made it around the block without stopping. Progress! It has been quite warm this week, but now she can't wait to ride after school.

  RR: Daddy, let's go bike riding.
  D: Sweetie, it is 90 degrees outside, let's wait until it's cooler.
  RR: It is not ninety Dad now, it really isn't, look. See? It says... eight.. nine.. nine...
  D: Uh, 89.9 is still pretty close to 90, sweetie. Let's wait for it to cool off a little bit more.
  RR: Ok... (sits in front of clock / thermometer)

Coming home from school, she proudly announced that she (and her Dumbo the Elephant, as it was Stuffed Animal Day) answered the phone in her 1st grade classroom. That was her job this week. Thoughtfully, she said:

  RR: Daddy, wouldn't it be funny if there was a phone that had one button for every person in the world? It would be a huge phone!  ...It would be almost impossible to carry it.

Meanwhile, little K the 3-year old can surprise me... I was getting hungry after an hour at the "quick trip to the park" before dinner so I was trying to get her off the playground:

  D: C'mon sweetie, let's go. It's been a long time. Mommy will wonder what happened to us.
  K: Why don't you just text her?

I didn't even know she knew that word, I don't think I've ever used it at home.. it's a new generation. But on the other hand, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

  Mom: K, finish up your cereal.
  K: I can't, I have a tummy ache!
  M: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Why don't you rest over here.
  K: Ok. (settles herself on the sofa)  ...Can I have some Fruit Snacks® ?
  M: I thought you said you had a tummyache !?
  K: No, my tummy ache is just for cereal, not for fruit snacks.