Saturday, December 22, 2012

Notable Quotes

We were a little slow getting ourselves organized this morning. A bit too slow for RR, who took charge of proceedings with some definite ideas about who would do what:

 "Ok, daddy, you drive me and K to the bookstore. Mommy, you stay home, and do the dishes. And clean the house. Because... well, look at this place!"

She is also fond of suggesting rather inadvisable scenarios, and in the shocked parental silence that follows her enthusiastic proposal, she quickly follows up with "...OK? Sounds like we have a deal!"

RR on memory: "When I want to think of something, I scrunch up my eyes and squeeze my brain and then it comes to me!"

On video selection: "I want to watch Rudolph!  I don't want to watch Frosty or the Little Plumber Boy..."

When watching a "scary movie" (Beauty and the Beast): "K is too young, so I intend to have the headphones on."