Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Ravel'd Sleave of Care

We should not complain too much, actually, as Baby K will often sleep for 3 to 4 hours at a time. In the early weeks RR was more often 2-3 hours and that makes for a *large* difference in parental comfort, not to mention sanity.

Little RR is enjoying nightly readings of "The Night Before Christmas" and pouring through the illustrations. She pays special attention to the cats. "The cat is surprised!" she notes, pointing to the kitty on alert by the hearth as St. Nicholas bounds down the chimney. I think I would be pretty surprised too.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A New Addition

We welcomed Baby K to the family on Nov. 30th. Everyone is doing well (mmm, or as well as can be expected under limited-sleep circumstances.) She has been keeping us entertained with her coy smiles and gurgles, and reminders that her last meal was so five minutes ago, already. But in fact she seems to sleep more and spit up less than her sister did, if my foggy memory serves, and that is much welcomed.

We are now figuring out how this whole "kid" -> "kids" transition works. Little RR has been very considerate of her baby sister, but her parents are sometimes confusing the names, now that there are two little ones where before there was only one! Though by comparison, RR seems practically an adult since she walks and talks and is over four times Baby K's weight.

Meanwhile RR has been showing signs of really learning how to use the bathroom, at least during the day, which is certainly an encouraging development.