Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Shoes

RR has started going to a tap/ballet/gym class on Saturdays, and seems to really like it, so we went out and got ballet slippers and tap shoes for her. Her first dance shoes! Although I danced regularly for about 15 years, I never tried either tap or ballet, so it will be interesting to see how this goes.

She is quite outgoing, often asking "What's your name?" to random passers-by. Her conversation can be a bit unexpected- she mentioned that a girl in the dance class asked how old she was, and she held up four and a quarter fingers because she is 4 1/4 years old. (well, she's actually more like 4 1/3).  She is also getting better at playing with her sister, who at least sometimes appreciates the attention.

Said sister, approaching-2-years Toddler K continues to be a girl of relatively few words. She has not yet to my knowledge ever spoken her real name, but she refers to herself as "baby" or "me".  After watching a video of herself recently, she waved at the screen and said "bye-bye me".  She does make distinguishable one syllable sounds to indicate favorite foods like grapes, berries, juice, and milk. She's never said "yes" but she has a very natural and casual-sounding "yeah".  And she's pretty good on a rocking horse.