Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Words!

Little RR has been steadily increasing her vocabulary, and it is exciting to frequently hear her try out new words. Some she will only repeat if we say them first, but the below list that T. has been keeping are words she has said spontaneously. A glimpse of the intersection of what we say to her, what captures her attention, and what sounds she can make:

First Words: Dada, Momma, Done, Baa (for sheep), bah(balloon), ba(ball), buh(button), boh(bottle), wa-wa(water), doh(dog), duh(duck), ??-?? (a version of her name)
Later: Off, Down, Up, On, Burp, Bath, Wash, Nose, Toes, More, Mouth, Bounce, Hi, Bye
8/1/09: Grass, Watch (noun), Watch (verb), Woof, Pants
By 8/17/09: arms, high, train, purse, yes, one, tree, blinds, bonk, truck, bus, dog, ball, duck, bump, dirt, ground, home, around, (to)morrow, vroom-vroom
8/20/09: pig, cow, milk
By 8/27/09: hair, dance, rock, music, uh-oh, noise, neh(no), bird, whoa
early 9/09: walk, D.G.(doting grandmother), yeah, boo(boo-boo), block, hippo, dress(as verb), rock (as verb)
9/2/09: bunt(button)
9/4/09: wind(window)
9/9/09: bread
9/11/09: app(apple), 'gin(again), yuck(yogurt), bits(broccoli), moon
9/19/09: girl
Recently by 9/24/09: ch(cheerios), juice, suns(sunscreen), sin(fan), sun(phone), book, dolly, moo, steps, winnie, kiss, snuh(snail), dass(glasses)
9/24/09: ring, broccog-e (broccoli), big, me
9/25/09: sing
I thought it interesting that she almost never says "no" (neh), although I know many kids say that a lot. She can say it, but usually just when she is reading a specific book ("No no, you say, that isn't right/ The pigs say 'oink' all day and night"). She does say "done" to mean many things, though. The "f/ph" sound isn't really working yet, so phone sounds more like"sun".

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Funny Letter

If I may be permitted my very first non-baby-related blog post (as far as I can remember)... I got a funny letter in the mail today.

To appreciate the joke I should mention that I gave blood at a Red Cross drive last month. It hadn't been on my agenda but a co-worker suggested we stop in at the drive next door during our lunch break, so I went along. I contributed my unit of blood, and I also fainted, was revived, threw up, spent the rest of the day lying flat on a couch at work, and that evening had the wife, child and mother-in-law spend two hours on the road to come up and retrieve me & car and drive my unhappy self back home gritting my teeth whereupon I lurched out and redecorated the driveway. I was woozy all the next day, but was more-or-less recovered and back at work the second day. I was later told the person whose afternoon meeting I cancelled thought I was probably just lazy.

At any rate, the cheery letter today from the Red Cross said,

"...You really have done something amazing. And now you can do something even more remarkable. Come back, and give blood again. [...] Has anything else you've done lately made you feel this good?"

Ha ha. Fortunately, no.