Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Funny Letter

If I may be permitted my very first non-baby-related blog post (as far as I can remember)... I got a funny letter in the mail today.

To appreciate the joke I should mention that I gave blood at a Red Cross drive last month. It hadn't been on my agenda but a co-worker suggested we stop in at the drive next door during our lunch break, so I went along. I contributed my unit of blood, and I also fainted, was revived, threw up, spent the rest of the day lying flat on a couch at work, and that evening had the wife, child and mother-in-law spend two hours on the road to come up and retrieve me & car and drive my unhappy self back home gritting my teeth whereupon I lurched out and redecorated the driveway. I was woozy all the next day, but was more-or-less recovered and back at work the second day. I was later told the person whose afternoon meeting I cancelled thought I was probably just lazy.

At any rate, the cheery letter today from the Red Cross said,

"...You really have done something amazing. And now you can do something even more remarkable. Come back, and give blood again. [...] Has anything else you've done lately made you feel this good?"

Ha ha. Fortunately, no.


Lady M said...

I think you get to pass on future blood donation requests!

Anonymous said...

oh jeez! My friend told me about her first (and last) donation experience. Said she was lying there quietly, but two football players came in and lay down next to her. They figured out they could increase the flow of blood into their bags by flexing their muscles. So they "raced" to fill their bags. She felt sick just watching them.

You and I are probably better suited to doing community service by building websites or something;)

Fourth Breakfast