Sunday, October 5, 2008

Everywhere a Moo-Moo

Has it really been almost a month since my last post? Time has rushed by. The new job is fine, but with the 35 mile commute each way, it is an adjustment to be getting home just as RR is going to bed each day. She is doing well with the nanny we have to cover the time that both of us are gone. During the weekend, I get to slow down enough to notice how much RR has grown- she's up to 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs), often able to sit up without support, and can (briefly) hold her own bottle. She seems more aware of things, and enjoyed a game of "peek a boo" with T this evening.

One of T's friends donated an activity center with several different distractions for the curious baby. One of these is a set of five buttons which make different animal sounds when pressed. If pressed often or long enough they also play a little melody. Four of these melodies are short pieces of familiar classical music, though the fifth one (under the "cow" label) is for some reason "Old MacDonald had a Farm". That button is on the inner side and apparently, by far the most easily pressed. So there's one tune that we've been hearing a very great deal of recently.... E-I-E-I-O.


Lady M said...

Glad that y'all are doing well!

After many renditions of Old Mac's, you start wondering what kind of sounds other animals make - giraffes? turtles? octopi?

Anonymous said...

Our little guy loves his exersaucer too! Glad the new job is good. Sorry to hear about the commute. Would love to see you all soon!

Fourth Breakfast

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. The ol' 'time and time and time again' thing :-D.

I'm sorry that making money to keep things together gets in the way of keeping up with the things you're keeping together. I know about that...