Saturday, January 31, 2009

Trying New Skills

We have reached several new milestones in the past few weeks. When she woke up before, she would usually be lying down or sometimes sitting, but now when get her after a nap, we usually find her standing up! She can pull herself up on the crib railing. Another big moment for me came this week, just after getting home, I heard her high clear voice distinctly say "da-da". Probably not intentional, but a wonderful moment nevertheless. Last week she was doing a caterpillar-like crawl with her tummy on the ground, but this week she has started doing a real hands-and-knees crawl. That means she can get around much more quickly now, so we're going to have to make sure to keep up!


Anonymous said...

Awwwww....So cute! Shortly after Serene Jr. learned how to stand up in the crib, he started gnawing on the crib rail. Sigh.

4th B

Suzanne said...

Words cannot describe the cuteness in all of this!

Has she picked up a camera yet? :-)

"The Naked Fork"

Anonymous said...

I love the video - I play it over and over again - hope it doesn't wear out!