Thursday, October 29, 2009

And Now, A Few Words From Our Little Girl...

Little RR isn't always very vocal, but she seems (relatively) talkative just after waking up, and around dinnertime. So, I thought it would be fun to make a little compilation of her words. These were extracted from a recording about 8 minutes long during dinner. Admittedly, some of her "words" do require some interpretation.

In other news, she came back from her 18-month checkup with a clean bill of health, which we hope continues! She's just starting in daycare now, which everyone tells us will be the end of our good luck so far with colds and the like.


Lady M said...

Awesome. I look forward to future editions explaining Wapo. (Washington Post? Perhaps she is an early journalist.)

liriodendron said...


fourthbreakfast said...

wow: Lasagna! We have a few of those frequently used words that are indecipherable. Serene Jr. did startle me this week with: Golf Course. Aaaaahh.

Anonymous said...

Very cool... but what, no PURSE!?