Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Of Quiet and Noise

Little RR was (mostly) well behaved at her very first play-date this afternoon with two other babies, but this evening was a different story- not her usual quiet self at all. She was really mad, judging by her tone of voice, and trotting out our usual suspects of feeding, burping, changing and rocking failed to interrupt her single-minded attention to perfecting the art of the cry.

As it happens, there is a hair dryer attached to the end of the changing table, which we use to dry off a damp posterior in between application of the baby wipe and the diaper. The mere sound of this device from across the room had an immediate and profound calming effect, quite unlike all of our parental ministrations.

Several people have mentioned using hair dryer noise as a pacifier, and we have noticed its effects before, but this time was more dramatic. The "sleep sheep" as mentioned previously was not as useful this go-round... perhaps she has built up a certain sheep immunity by this point.

One does wonder what curious mechanism is working inside her head, to which the magic key is apparently a hair dryer.


Lady M said...

"Sheep immunity" - funny!

fourthbreakfast said...

We find the hairdryer only works intermittently. But when it does, the effect is so dramatic!

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the hilarity of 'sheep immunity'! :-D

Maybe she's thinking of that lovely moment of having her bum dried. We should probably all try it....