Saturday, May 17, 2008

Waking Up is Hard To Do

The idea was, with RR in the same room as us at night, we would be able to wake up along with her and prepare the bottle before mild annoyance evolved into really upset. The problem with that scheme is interpreting the collection of snorts, squeaks, and odd birdlike chirps that signal her transition from blissfully asleep to ever-so-awake. For example last night, when the chorus of sound effects started around 2:30 am but an actual waking state did not pull into the station until 3:20 am.

After a tiring early morning, it is so wonderful to have the assistance of grandparents in taking care of things while the parents nap!


Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to us! We found that leaving Serene Jr. in a different room with the baby monitor was best. The monitor only picks up the louder splutterings (ie the beginnings of an angry baby) and not the other sounds.

I still get fooled sometimes though...

Fourth Breakfast

Anonymous said...

As always your writing is marvelous - even if I do have a biased perspective! :-)